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New developments since the 7th Edition was published in April 2001:
Animation: Those who have QuickTime installed on their computer can see a 5-minute animation of the Hydroplate Theory at http://mamouth.activnetworks.net/samizdat.qc.ca/fontaine.mov |
About the Author
For those who wish to know more about Walt Brown, a new book (Christian Men of Science: Eleven Men Who Changed the World by George Mulfinger and Julia Mulfinger Orozco) devotes a chapter to Brown. It may be read by clicking here.
Written Debate The issue is: Does the scientific evidence favor creation or evolution? Dr. Brown’s standing offer for a strictly scientific, written, and publishable debate is on page 336. Please read the entire passage and note that a few initially agreed to a strictly scientific debate, but later changed their minds, insisting they would only take part if the exchange included religion. One evolutionist is so upset that a written debate will not include religion that he now misleads by saying that Walt Brown has refused to debate him. (Correspondence in our files shows how he no longer wanted a strictly scientific debate after reading the 6th edition of this book.) Dr. Brown has consistently maintained his position for 23 years: the debate should be limited to scientific evidence. If someone says, “Walt Brown has refused to debate,” we suggest you ask to see that person’s signed debate agreement. (Walt Brown has published his on pages 336-338.)
About the Book In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood This understandable, comprehensive, and meticulously documented resource will give new insight to readers of all backgrounds. In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood takes a different look at a currently hot topic. Evidence that could revolutionize our understanding of origins is carefully explained. You will be challenged to consider fresh ideas in this age-old debate. Part I of In the Beginning discusses, in quick overview, 136 categories of evidence from biology, astronomy, and the physical and earth sciences. More technical discussions and documentation are found in the author’s extensive endnotes. Part II introduces and describes the hydroplate theory—a new theory developed after more than 30 years of study by Dr. Walt Brown, a former evolutionist. This theory explains a catastrophic event in earth’s history and answers a host of previously unexplained questions raised by physical observations. For decades, evolutionists complained that creationists only criticized evolution and did not have sound scientific theories of their own. The hydroplate theory ends that complaint and explains, with overwhelming evidence, earth’s defining geological event—a worldwide flood.
Thirty frequently asked questions from those attending seminars by Dr. Brown fill a fascinating Part III, including:
Twenty Questions for Evolutionists To answer a question satisfactorily, one must first understand facts related to that question. When you click on the page numbers following each question, you will be taken to a brief section within the online book, In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood. There you will see why knowledgeable evolutionists have great difficulty answering these questions. If you find evolutionists who feel they or others can answer these questions, then ask one more question: “Why won’t evolutionists enter a strictly scientific, written debate on the creation-evolution issue?”; After you read the entire book, the answer will be evident. For details on this written debate offer, see pages 336-338. 1. Where has macroevolution ever been observed? (See page 6.) What’s the mechanism for getting new complexity, such as new vital organs? (See pages 6–8.) If any of the thousands of vital organs evolved, how could the organism live before getting the vital organ? (Without a vital organ, the organism is dead—by definition.) If a reptile’s leg evolved into a bird’s wing, wouldn’t it become a bad leg long before it became a good wing? How could metamorphosis evolve? (See page 16.) 2. Do you realize how complex living things are? (See page 13.) How could organs as complicated as the eye or the ear or the brain of even a tiny bird ever come about by chance or natural processes? (See page 8.) How could a bacterial motor evolve? How could such motors work until all components evolved completely and were precisely in place? (See page 18.) 3. If macroevolution happened, where are the billions of transitional fossils that should be there? Billions! Not a handful of questionable transitions. Why don’t we see a reasonably smooth continuum among all living creatures, or in the fossil record, or both? (See page 10.) 4. Textbooks show an evolutionary tree, but where is its trunk and where are its branches? For example, what are the evolutionary ancestors of the insects? (See page 11.) 5. How could the first living cell begin? That’s a greater miracle than for bacteria to evolve into man. How could that first cell reproduce? (See page 13.) Just before life appeared, did the atmosphere have oxygen or did it not have oxygen? Whichever choice you make creates a terrible problem for evolution. Both must come into existence at about the same time. (See page 13.) 6. Please point to a strictly natural process that creates information. What evidence is there that information, such as that in DNA, could ever assemble itself? What about the 4,000 books of coded information that are in a tiny part of each of your 100 trillion cells? If astronomers received an intelligent signal from some distant galaxy, most people would conclude that it came from an intelligent source. Why then doesn’t the vast information sequence in the DNA molecule of just a bacterium also imply an intelligent source? (See pages 9 and 14.) 7. Which came first, DNA or the proteins needed by DNA, which can only be produced by DNA? (See page 16.) 8. How could sexual reproduction evolve? (See page 17.) How could immune systems evolve? (See page 18.) 9. If it takes intelligence to make an arrowhead, why doesn’t it take vastly more intelligence to create a human? Do you really believe that hydrogen will turn into people if you wait long enough? 10. If the solar system evolved, why do three planets spin backwards? Why do at least 30 moons revolve backwards? (See page 24.) 11. Can you name one reasonable hypothesis on how the moon got there—any hypothesis that is consistent with all the data? Why aren’t students told the scientific reasons for rejecting all the evolutionary theories for the moon’s origin? What about the other 138+ moons in the solar system? (See page 26.) 12. Where did matter, space, time, energy, or even the laws of physics come from? (See page 27.) What about water? (See page 25.) 13. How could stars evolve? (See pages 27–31.) 14. Are you aware of all the unreasonable assumptions and contradictory evidence used by those who say the earth is billions of years old? (See pages 33–37 and 256–261.) 15. Why are living bacteria found inside rocks that you say are hundreds of millions of years old and in meteorites that you say are billions of years old? Clean-room techniques and great care were used to rule out contamination. (See page 33.) 16. Did you know that most scientific dating techniques indicate that the earth, solar system, and universe are young? (See pages 31–37.) 17. Why do so many ancient cultures have flood legends? (See page 43.) 18. Have you heard about the mitochondrial Eve and the genetic Adam? Scientists know that the mitochondrial Eve was the common female ancestor of every living person, and she appears to have lived only about 6,000–7,000 years ago. (See pages 253–255.) 19. Careful researchers have found the following inside meteorites: living bacteria, salt crystals, limestone, water, sugars, terrestrial-like brines, and earthlike isotopic patterns. Doesn’t this implicate Earth as their source—and a powerful launcher, “the fountains of the great deep?” (See 242.) 20. Would you explain the origin of any of the following 25 features of the earth:
In a broad overview, pages 97–125 explain some obvious problems with evolutionists’ explanations for each of these 25 features and show how all are consequences of a global flood. (Additional page numbers above refer to chapters devoted entirely to a single feature.) |