Where is the creation-evolution controversy headed? According to Dr. Brown, “The battle will be won by ‘grass roots’ science education, not in courts, legislatures, boards of education, or church councils. Yes, today evolutionists generally control higher education, science journals, and the media. But the scientific evidence overwhelmingly supports creation and a global flood. Throughout the history of science, whenever controversies have raged, the side with scientific evidence has always prevailed. Our task, then, is educating the public. What we have to do to win this battle, is not to preach to people who already believe as we do, but to people who have questions, people who disagree.”16
Dr. Brown continues to “fight the good fight of faith.” He marvels how God uses every experience in our lives to equip us for His service. Looking back, he realizes that West Point, Ranger School, and MIT each taught important lessons for his present work. Who would have ever thought that infantry training had anything to do with telling the world about the Creator? Yet the skills and discipline he learned from his military training have prepared him to be a soldier in a different battle. He is a living example of God’s warrior in Ephesians 6, strong in the Lord and in the power of His might, equipped with the whole armor of God so that he can stand against the wiles of the devil.