Predictions of the hydroplate theory are summarized below. Confirmed predictions are in bold, and a partially missed prediction (prediction 58) is in italics. Page numbers, where more information can be found, are in parentheses.
1. super-rotation in atmosphere of Venus( 131)
2. pooled water under mountains ( 140)
3. salty water in very deep granite cracks ( 140)
4. many fossilized whales at the base of Andes ( 141)
5. deep channels under Bosporus and Gibraltar ( 142)
6. fracture zones mark high magnetic intensity ( 154)
7. magnetic strength grows at hydrothermal vents ( 154)
8. Earth is shrinking ( 171)
9. earthquakes will be predicted ( 170)
10. granite layer deep under Pacific floor ( 178)
11. shallow-water fossils in and near trenches ( 178)
12. inner core’s spin is decelerating ( 193)
13. age sequences wrong for Hawaiian islands ( 198)
14. thin, parallel, extensive varves not under lakes ( 207)
15. sand dunes from Grand Canyon ( 239)
16. unique chemistry of Grand and Hopi Basins ( 241)
17. slot canyons have cracks that are miles deep ( 242)
18. Grand Canyon’s inner gorge is a tension crack ( 243)
19. fault under East Kaibab monocline ( 257)
20. loess at bottom of ice cores ( 289)
21. muck on Siberian plateaus ( 290)
22. rock ice is salty ( 290)
23. carbon dioxide bubbles in rock ice ( 290)
24. muck particles in rock ice ( 290)
25. no fossils below mammoths ( 291)
26. radiocarbon dating mammoths ( 292)
27. ice age can be demonstrated ( 306)
28. comet ice will contained dissolved CO2 ( 318)
29. salt on Mars ( 324)
30. moons around some comets ( 327)
31. mass of solar system is heavier than expected ( 328)
32. a few comets reappear unexpectedly ( 328)
33. excess heavy hydrogen in 5+-mile-deep water ( 329)
34. salt and bacteria in comets ( 330)
35. Oort cloud does not exist ( 339)
36. no incoming hyperbolic comets ( 339)
37. more argon in comet crust ( 340)
38. asteroids are flying rock piles ( 350)
39. rocks on asteroids and comets are rounded ( 350)
40. rapidly spinning asteroids are well-rounded ( 350)
41. asteroid rocks are magnetized ( 352)
42. deuterium on Themis ( 353)
43. water is inside large asteroids ( 353)
44. mining asteroids too costly ( 354)
45. Deimos has a very low density ( 355)
46. Mars’ sediments deposited through air ( 358)
47. heavy hydrogen in space ice ( 359)
48. many more TNOs have rings ( 360)
49. Planet X will not be found by January 2021 ( 364)
50. comets are rich in oxygen-18 ( 409)
51. lineaments correlate with earthquakes ( 409)
52. little radioactivity on Moon, Mars ( 411)
53. new telescopes will not find reionization of IGM (452)
54. carbon-14 in “old” bones ( 508)
55. bacteria on Mars ( 543)
56. some hydrogen missing from polonium halos ( 624)
57. Comets, formed as described by the hydroplate theory, delivered lots of liquid water to Mars. ( 374)
58. spin rate and direction of Ceres ( 368)